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(B) Residential Security

    Contact person:外事科       Data source:高雄市政府警察局       Contact Information:(07)212-0800       

    Police and Ambulance: 110 (24 hours) Fire: 119 (24 hours)
    Foreign Affairs Police Station:07-2154342(24 hours)

    1. Lock all doors and windows if you are going out. Use the alarm system if you have one.
    2. When there is no one at home, turn on the lights and radios with timers to avoid the appearance that the house is unoccupied.
    3. When going on an extended vacation, notify the local police office, so that extra patrols can be provided.
    4. Do not let strangers into your home; always know who is at your door before opening it.
    5. Be a good neighbor. Be on the lookout for suspicious cars or people in your neighborhood. Take note of the license plate number of a suspicious looking vehicle and report it to the police. Get involved in your local “neighborhood watch” program.
    6. Draw up an inventory of valuable items. Keep expensive jewelry and large sums of cash in a bank safe deposit box, rather than at home.